Aug 10, 2013

Five for Friday

I'm going to join in on the 5 for Friday fun for the first time. On Saturday....better late than never! :)

1.  I'm loving all the linky parties all you blogging teachers are offering.  They have really helped me to connect with some fantastic bloggers which always provides me with FANTASTIC ideas for my own classroom.

2.  Lemonade to Lemons
I LOVE to watch Modern Family while I'm doing all of my random school work.  It's just enough of a story line to keep me a little bit interesting, but it's also the type of show that you don't have to keep your eyes on the screen to know what's going on.  One of the episodes I was "watching" on Hulu ended with the oh so funny "Phil"osphy that had me laughing out loud....

Oh how I needed to hear that on that particular day because....

3. No Set Up for You

My school is short on custodians this summer thanks to the ever continuous budget cuts.  Therefore, our rooms are not ready to go into yet.  We still have a whole week of summer left, but I'm of the crazy breed that likes to go in early and get things all set up.  Sooooooo I need to hear Phils words of wisdom and pretty much suck it up.  It is what it is and everything will get done in due time. (My hyper organization side is still throwing a little temper tantrum though.)

4.  Making Lemons

Instead of spending my time at school (LAME!) I went to the $12 sushi buffet and on a mini shopping spree with my teacher buds.  Oh how I LOVE having teacher friends.  People who actually understand when you HAVE to buy 6 (never 5) of the cute little $1 bins at Michael's.  These bins are good for sooooooooo many things. I especially use mine to put my dry erase markers in and it sits perfectly on the ledge on the board.  I also have a few for lunch count.  I use popsicle sticks with the kid's names on them then they put them in the designated lunch choice.  I'm a big fan of anything that hides clutter.

5. Summer's end...

I have one more week of summer left and I am finally staying up late and sleeping in.  Staying up till 3 am!  What!!!!  I never even did that in college.  Well maybe every once in a while.  Hope I can get back on schedule before school officially starts.  If not...oh well!!! YOLO!!!

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